Blame & Belonging is an interactive forum theatre performance and workshop using professional actors and specialist facilitators to explore key issues around radicalisation.
This particular performance focuses on the adult influencer, female radicalisation and Islamophobia. It explores people inspired by the extreme ‘far right’ and also Daesh or I.S.
* Odd Arts is an alumni of the US Embassy Exchange on Countering Violent Extremism, and continues to deliver Embassy commissioned work. We were commissioned to present live at EU Parliament’s International conference on preventing extremism and have been contributors for RAN presentations (Radicalisation Awareness Network) as well as many more local and national networks. We have vast experience in wider issues relating more broadly to risk of radicalisation, including: Additional Needs; Domestic/partner abuse; Sexual assault & consent; Knife crime; Exploitation & Mental Health.
All our radicalisation prevention offers have two or three delivery models to ensure they are safe, accessible and appropriate for people within more complex settings such as PRUs, SEN schools, criminal justice or mental health settings, or for people with lived experience of trauma or increased vulnerability.
Increased understanding of the process and meaning of radicalisation
Increased understanding of the vulnerabilities, triggers and warning signs associated with radicalisation
Improved critical thinking skills
Improved communication skills including how to hold challenging conversations around hate and extremism
Safe space to explore hate and radicalisation and the impact on individuals and society
Reduce hate and risk of radicalisation, and increase community cohesion
The workshop is 60 to 90 minutes long and can be repeated up to 5 times per day
This workshop is suitable for year 9’s upward and adult audiences
This workshop can be delivered as part of a longer-term project responding to the themes in the performance
Costs depend on:
Additional / specific requirements of partner
Location/travel/accommodation needs
Evaluation depth / requirements
Number of preparatory meetings required
Requests for additional staff
Number of actors
Between £650 to £1,100 per half day and £880 and £1,600 per full day. All costs include lead facilitators, actors and evaluation.
For our other workshop on radicalisation please see Isolation to Radicalisation.
The workshop involves interactive debate and discussion exercises and engagement with the actors in performance in order to search for solutions.
There is a post-performance discussion to explore triggers, warning signs and vulnerabilities and signposting to available support services. Blame and Belonging was been selected to present at the EU Parliamentary Chairmanship in Helsinki, to share best practice on ‘Preventing Violent Extremism’ (2019) and featured in the Huffington Post The Workshop Teaching Children About Radicalisation.
Blame and Belonging has been shortlisted for the Spirit of Manchester Equalities Award 2018/19.