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"A space to catch up on various Odd Arts blogs, articles & annual reports."

Odd Arts Annual Report 2023-2024

"This year has felt overwhelming for many, with world conflict & injustice impacting the way people experience the everyday. Odd Arts has tried to provide spaces that challenge, hold safety, and open up discussions that otherwise feel shut down. We have also worked in more prisons than ever, and are proud to have played a...

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Odd Arts Annual Report 2022-2023

This year we have continued to build on the themes that matter so deeply to us: Overcoming hate, discrimination & racism; reducing violence (in its many forms); celebrating unheard stories; and mental health. We have seen an increased demand for our work and the complexity that can come with it. In the ‘post covid’ era we...

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Odd Arts Annual Report 2021-2022

It's once again hard to know where to start with summing up the last year for Odd Arts. Like everyone, we had to continue to be flexible & resilient to overcome the ongoing hurdles & unpredictability that the world kept throwing at us. The creative solutions we responded with have enabled us to deliver some...

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How Odd Arts unlocks creativity to empower young children

Odd Arts delivers issue-based creative programmes for vulnerable and excluded groups. The company uses specialist applied theatre and creative techniques to address and explore contentious and challenging issues. Our focus is on developing a learning environment which both enables young people’s creativity, critical thinking and empathy as well as helping them to develop understanding and...

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Using creativity to address hateful extremism in the classroom

Odd Arts uses theatre to change the way people understand themselves and the world around them. The themes we explore are nuanced and complex: Hateful extremism; sexual assault; mental health; exploitation. All of them hold risk. None of them have ‘one answer’. For this reason, many people (including teachers) feel safer avoiding them....

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Odd Arts – Next in the community alliance spotlight series

Next in our community alliance spotlight series is Odd Arts. Part of the Manchester community alliance, Odd Arts is a Manchester charity delivering innovative and creative programmes, across all art forms, with vulnerable and excluded groups. Specialising in delivering theatre-based programmes that challenge and change attitudes and behaviours, Odd Arts work with participants to devise...

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Knife Crime Prevention Theatre Project

Odd Arts is a charity using theatre to reduce risk, increase opportunities, reduce disadvantage and increase wellbeing. We use theatre to challenge the way people see themselves and the world, working with over 25,000 people each year within the criminal justice, education and community networks....

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