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Corporate Training

"Our corporate training and conference performances and workshops are innovative, bespoke and provide delegates with a unique and unforgettable experience that will motivate positive personal change."

For more information and to find out about our work

Our Work

Our corporate training and conference performances and workshops are innovative, bespoke and provide delegates with a unique and unforgettable experience that will motivate positive personal change.

Our corporate training specialises in:

  • Mental health, wellbeing and resilience
  • Communication & overcoming conflict
  • Diversity, inclusion & anti-racism

Training includes:

  • Bespoke or off the shelf workshops
  • Professional existing theatre productions
  • Bespoke performances addressing the unique challenges your organisation may be facing
  • Diverse & creative delivery teams

Before any corporate delivery we offer people the opportunity to shadow our work before commissioning. Where bespoke performances are required we deliver focus groups; test workshops & allow input and edits at all stages of the design.

Corporate Training

Our Workshops & Projects

All our corporate delivery is underpinned by our existing Odd Arts approaches:

  • Anti-racism
  • Restorative and non-violent communication techniques
  • Consideration for the environment
  • Trauma informed
  • Strengths based

* Photographs on this page taken by Priti Shikotra.


Quotes from Workshops

Become a Corporate Sponsor

Odd Arts offers a fantastic sponsor partnership, where we exchange a minimum number of professional training and theatre performance workshops for your workplace training, development, engagement and wellbeing needs each year. You will also receive recognition within our community spaces & hub, website and social media.

For more information please email info@oddarts.co.uk

Our Other Work

Odd Arts deliver a wide range of work to raise awareness of many issues which we feel are most relevant to the partners we are working with. We can tailor and adapt our workshops to fit the needs and requirements of the participants. Please click on one of the links below to find out more about the work we do in other sectors.



Criminal Justice

CPD & Teacher Training

Corporate Training

Become A Participant

You can self-refer to some of our ongoing community projects and sessions.

We deliver FREE workshops at our base in Moss Side Powerhouse. We welcome and support young carers, and participants with additional needs.

Find Out More
Odd Arts Funders & Memberships