Vision & Values - Odd Arts
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Vision & Values

"All of our work is: Restorative; Anti-racist; Trauma informed; Strengths based; Non-violent-communication led; Considerate of the environment."

For more information about our workshop programme

Our Vision

Odd Arts uses theatre to challenge inequalities & increase opportunities for people facing the greatest level of discrimination & disadvantage.

We work in three ways: Therapeutic theatre workshops to reduce risk; Interactive theatre tours to empower & educate; Creative & community led social action projects to overcome inequalities.

We work within six main sectors:



Criminal Justice

CPD & Training

Corporate Training

Our Aims

Reduce risk of (re) offending

Build more cohesive and safer communities

Improve mental well being including increased confidence and self worth

Improve work based skills through accreditation, communication skills and therapeutic learning

Increase access and engagement to the arts and culture for disadvantaged groups

Our Outputs

Therapeutic theatre projects predominantly within secure settings to reduce risk and increase wellbeing

Community-led social action projects using film, visual arts, theatre, movement & spoken word to provide to address grievances and inequalities

Interactive theatre performances and tours which are all community-led and developed with people with lived experience of the issues we address

Corporate training, performances and conferences specifically in communication, equality & diversity, and wellbeing related issues

Odd Arts Values

Empowerment and enrichment for all

Passion for arts and social justice

Freedom to explore new ideas and create

Equality of expression for all staff and stakeholders

Learning from and within everything we do

A restorative and strengths based approach

Empower people to change their lives

Odd Arts is working tirelessly to address the challenges of a society facing increasing division, violence & isolation.

Odd Arts gives people the skills, hope, voice & confidence to make positive change to their own lives.

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Odd Arts Funders & Memberships