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"A community-led approach is vital to our work. We truly value the skills, knowledge & voices of the communities we work with."

For more information and to find out about our work

Our Work

Odd Arts’ community projects are led by and respond to the needs & talents within various identity and geographical communities. They use varied art-forms to empower the community to make change, campaign & increase their sense of belonging and purpose.

These projects are underpinned by theatre, but often other mediums including: Film; community reporting; photography; craft / visual arts; music; creative writing.

Most community projects are bespoke, commissioned with a particular group and theme in mind. Our community projects work in close partnership with local councils, Police, youth centres and other community and grass-roots organisations.

We can adapt all of our programmes/workshops for community settings, tailoring the content to the needs of the people we are working with.

Trailer for ‘Phone’, a community led film developed by Daniel Oyeleke in partnership with 84YOUTH and funded by GM VRU & Young Manchester.


Our Workshops & Projects

Playful Revolution

We worked with a group of young people from ‘Total ReThink’ in partnership with Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles and Wigan Council. We worked with young people to create a unique immersive experience, called ‘Well-being World.’ The project focused on artwork, which promoted positive mental well-being, positivity and a sense of fun and playfulness.

The exhibition combined elements of photography, sound/music and visual artwork. The group created their own artwork as well as co-designing and commissioning work by Artists from ReDock. All the group completed an Arts award as part of the project. The work was exhibited at Wigan Library and The Turnpike Gallery.

Creative Reach – Manchester Young Lives

We delivered an innovative and exciting visual arts programme, exploring safety, identity and belonging in Manchester which culminated in a group exhibition and showcase at HOME.

We worked with young people with lived experience of challenges relating to serious youth violence. The young people interviewed peers, professionals and community members to create an issue based preventative film focusing on knife crime.


Our YouTube channel showcases many more examples of our community focused projects, around issues such as:


Child Sexual Exploitation

Serious Youth Violence



Our Other Work

Odd Arts deliver a wide range of work to raise awareness of many issues which we feel are most relevant to the partners we are working with. We can tailor and adapt our workshops to fit the needs and requirements of the participants. Please click on one of the links below to find out more about the work we do in other sectors.



Criminal Justice

CPD & Teacher Training

Corporate Training

Become A Participant

You can self-refer to some of our ongoing community projects and sessions.

We deliver FREE workshops at our base in Moss Side Powerhouse. We welcome and support young carers, and participants with additional needs.

Find Out More
Odd Arts Funders & Memberships