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CPD & Teacher Training

"Our training is delivered to professionals and students in both the arts, criminal justice, community and education sector."

For more information and to find out about our work

Our Work

Our training is delivered to professionals and students in the arts, criminal justice, community and education sector. We share various creative styles, behaviour management techniques as well as the theory & approach behind our work.

We deliver Teacher & Educator CPD in holding challenging conversations for; Radicalisation Awareness; Mental Health; Racism & Discrimination; as well as wider bespoke training sessions. All these training options include a professional theatre performance and interactive workshop delivery.

We also design bespoke training sessions to meet the training needs of creative, criminal justice and education partners.

CPD & Teacher Training

Our Workshops & Projects

  • Radicalisation awareness and prevention (and holding challenging conversations)
  • Additional needs: Understanding and supporting behaviour
  • Mental health (and holding challenging conversations)
  • Racism and discrimination (and holding challenging conversations)
  • Creative techniques to engage & facilitate in complex settings

Radicalisation awareness and prevention (and holding challenging conversations)

A training programme for front line staff / teachers to upskill them in how to hold challenging conversations around issues including hate crime, radicalisation and discrimination. The training is interactive and includes a live theatre performance It equips participants with information on the process, warning signs and triggers linked to exploitation and radicalisation. We share techniques including restorative approaches, listening skills, and non-violent communication techniques.


  • Enhance staff understanding of how marginalisation of a particular individual or group can affect student attainment and risk of becoming groomed / radicalised
  • Increase confidence in terminology and speaking about the issues relating to radicalisation
  • Enable staff to feel confident to engage people in exploring issues that could lead to lack of engagement/marginalisation and how to avoid this
  • Enable all staff to provide and explicitly model inclusive trategies in their teaching
  • Skills in how to hold challenging conversations


The session can be delivered between 2 – 2.5 hours dependent on partner needs and schedules.

Creative techniques to engage & facilitate in complex settings

A training programme sharing creative exercises and theory to engage vulnerable participants with challenging behaviour. Participants should expect to increase both creative techniques and behaviour management skills.


  • Enhance staff understanding of how marginalisation of a particular individual or group can affect student attainment and risk of becoming groomed / radicalised
  • Increase confidence in terminology and speaking about the issues relating to radicalisation
  • Enable staff to feel confident to engage people in exploring issues that could lead to lack of engagement/marginalisation and how to avoid this
  • Enable all staff to provide and explicitly model inclusive trategies in their teaching
  • Skills in how to hold challenging conversations


This can be delivered as a full day training course or 4 x 2 hour sessions. Each participant will receive a toolkit once completed the course.

Additional needs: Understanding and supporting behaviour

This training is delivered by a learning disabled trainer and a non-learning disabled trainer. It is interactive and includes debate, role-play and critical thinking. This considers a number of things that can contribute to learner needs; including neurodiversity, trauma, and wider emotional, behavioural, environmental and psychological factors. The work has been designed in partnership with Venture Arts.


  • To increase skills and confidence in working with people with additional needs
  • To think about how people with additional needs might behave and see the world
  • To increase confidence in dealing with ‘challenging behaviour’ and consider positive behaviour support strategies in the hope of: Increasing well-being and resilience; Improving relationships; Reducing the risk of ‘challenging behaviour’


This can be delivered as a full day training course or 2 x 2 hour sessions.

Mental health (and holding challenging conversations)

This workshop includes a live theatre performance, group interaction, debate and role-play. This training is delivered by team including people with lived-experience of some of the subjects being explored. This is not training in mental health conditions, more a space for people to explore broader awareness, how to offer support and hold conversations; consider protective measures particularly regarding dealing with young people.


  • To increase understanding of mental health & wellbeing in ourselves and others
  • To understand triggers, warning signs and vulnerabilities that may contribute to mental health challenges
  • To explore protective measures including how to support others
  • Provide people with support information and advice of where to get help


This training can be delivered in a 2-3 hour session.

Racism and discrimination (and holding challenging conversations)

This workshop includes a live theatre performance, group interaction, debate and role-play. You will be asked to consider your own stance, experiences and viewpoints, as well as giving you the opportunity to as explore ways to effectively challenge discrimination & be more anti-racist.


  • To raise awareness about race and other identity related discrimination
  • To explore and interrogate our own stance, perceptions, attitudes
  • To try out techniques to challenge and disarm discriminatory attitudes and racism
  • To practise techniques to support people affected by discrimination and racism
  • To commit to personal testimonies and actions which can reduce racism and discrimination


This training can be delivered in a 2 hour session.

* Some photographs on this page provided by Priti Shikotra.


Quotes from Workshops

Our Other Work

Odd Arts deliver a wide range of work to raise awareness of many issues which we feel are most relevant to the partners we are working with. We can tailor and adapt our workshops to fit the needs and requirements of the participants. Please click on one of the links below to find out more about the work we do in other sectors.



Criminal Justice

CPD & Teacher Training

Corporate Training

Become A Participant

You can self-refer to some of our ongoing community projects and sessions.

We deliver FREE workshops at our base in Moss Side Powerhouse. We welcome and support young carers, and participants with additional needs.

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