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"A space to catch up on various Odd Arts blogs, articles & annual reports."

Odd Arts Annual Report 2020-2021

Well, what a year. One which has felt overwhelmingly sad for so many reasons and for so many people. We want to take this opportunity to look back on the hope, resilience and achievements attained by our Odd Arts beneficiaries, staff and volunteers amidst such adversity. To reflect on the impact achieved during this time feels fantastic, but...

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A Spiralling Mind Online

Odd Arts delivers issue-based creative programmes for vulnerable and excluded groups. The company uses specialist applied theatre and creative techniques to address and explore contentious and challenging issues. Our focus is on developing a learning environment which both enables young people’s creativity, critical thinking and empathy as well as helping them to develop understanding and...

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Diary of International Interns during Covid 19

It was cold November 2019 in Germany, I was sitting at my desk on my Laptop and my eye came across the name of Odd Arts on my University’s placement list. I looked them up and they caught me right away – I loved their concept and their work so I tried my luck at...

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Case Study: Odd Arts

Odd Arts deliver arts projects and work creatively with vulnerable and at risk groups. This includes working with young people in the criminal justice system to help reduce the risk of offending, improve self-esteem and confidence, and help build safer communities. They have been delivering Arts Award for many years....

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Forum Theatre and Stigma in the UK & Uganda: Is it mad if it works?

I have recently returned from a trip to Butabika Hospital for the "mentally ill", not far from Kampala in Uganda. The trip was part of a project set up by Sharing Stories - in layman's terms, a small group of UK & Ugandan psychologists and mental health service users dedicated to improving well-being for people experiencing...

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