Emergency Room – Knife Crime - Odd Arts
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Emergency Room – Knife Crime

"Explores how unresolved conflict could lead to violence in the community; the impact of online platforms in escalating feuds or rivalry and the role of the bystander"

Find out more information about this workshop programme


* Emergency Room is our knife crime prevention workshop. It is an interactive forum theatre performance and workshop using professional actors and specialist facilitators to explore key issues around violence involving teenagers and young adults in the community (specifically knife-related incidents).

This particular theatre performance focuses on:  Unresolved conflict that may lead to violence in the community; the impact of online platforms in escalating feuds or rivalry; the role of the bystander within knife crime; the vulnerabilities leading to someone carrying and using a knife.

This performance was co-developed and co-written by young people with lived experience of knife crime.

The workshop involves interactive debate and discussion exercises and engagement with the actors in performance in order to search for solutions.

There is a post-performance discussion to explore triggers, warning signs and vulnerabilities, prevention / avoidance / delay tactics, and signposting to available support services.

* Written by Curtis Cole. To read more about this work


Highlight the impact of knife crime

Explore early intervention / prevention strategies

Create a safe space for young people to share fears and concerns

Increase confidence and explore appropriate behaviour to challenge bullying, including the role of the bystander

Provide information on where support can be found

Overcome myths around knife crime, including addressing systemic discrimination & racism

Increase awareness of triggers, warning signs and vulnerabilities of knife crime

This programme of work was initially commissioned by B & M Bargains, with additional support from One Manchester and Sir Robert McAlpine’s Strong Foundation Grant. 


The workshop is 50 to 90 minutes long and can be repeated up to 5 times per day

This workshop is suitable for year 7’s upward

This workshop can be delivered as part of a longer-term project responding to the themes in the performance

Safeguarding staff and support must be available for debriefs / follow up


Costs depend on:

Additional / specific requirements of partner

Location/travel/accommodation needs

Evaluation depth / requirements

Number of preparatory meetings required

Requests for additional staff

Number of actors

Between £650 to £1,100 per half day and £880 and £1,600 per full day. All costs include lead facilitators, actors and evaluation.

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