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"Odd Arts is a small organisation with wide reach. There are many ways to get involved with our exciting work."

For more information on how to get involved with odd arts

What it means to be a volunteer

Volunteering at Odd Arts offers an incredible journey into the heart of transformative theatre, where your passion for arts and social justice meets real-world impact.

As a volunteer, you’ll immerse yourself in dynamic projects that challenge inequalities and empower marginalised communities through creative expression. Our vision of fostering cohesive, safer communities through restorative and trauma-informed practices ensures you’ll be contributing to meaningful change.

From supporting therapeutic workshops to engaging in project development and arts administration, you’ll gain invaluable skills, boost your confidence, and make lasting connections.

Odd Arts values empowerment, creativity, and learning, providing you with the perfect platform to grow both personally and professionally. Join us and be part of an inspiring team dedicated to making a positive difference through the power of theatre.

Download our Onboarding pack. For more information or to apply email Archie@oddarts.co.uk

Quotes from Volunteers

Empower people to change their lives

Odd Arts is working tirelessly to address the challenges of a society facing increasing division, violence & isolation.

Odd Arts gives people the skills, hope, voice & confidence to make positive change to their own lives.

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Odd Arts Funders & Memberships