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Just a Game – Cyber Specific Crime

"Cyber specific crime is a rapidly growing problem that we address by raising awareness & educating in an engaging way; working closely with sector specialists."

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* Just A Game is a blended film and live interactive workshop for schools, colleges and parents addressing cyber-specific crime. The workshop looks specifically at this theme within young people and gaming. It explores the process and consequences as well as challenges people to hold early conversations to prevent high risk and illegal online behaviour.

* Just A Game, written by Barney Thompson, directed by Jai Vethamony.


Increase understanding and awareness of cyber-specific crime

Explore early warning signs

Practise how to safely challenge and hold difficult conversations as an early prevention technique

Share information of where to get further help, advice and support as well as how to use digital/gaming skills for pro-social online engagement & challenge


Interactive workshop including debate, role-play and problem solving


Engagement with face to face characters from the film to test our solutions


Delivery in partnership with North West Regional Organised Crime Unit or Greater Manchester Police’s Cyber Crime Unit

We will require a screen/projector and sound equipment from partner agencies to play the film from, ideally through wifi


Gaming and young people and it's potential links to cyber specific crime (impacting public systems/services)

Vulnerability and risk factors

Alternative routes & avoidance strategies

The law relating to cyber specific crime


1.5 hour live/blended session with film, actor and facilitator for up to a class size at a time

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