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Sustainability & Ethical Investment Policy

"Odd Arts seeks to deliver its products/ services in a sustainable and socially responsible manner."

Odd Theatre Community Interest Company – Sustainability & Ethical Investment Policy

Odd Arts seeks to deliver its products/ services in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. We aim to proactively undertake eco-friendly practice in travel, business, and project delivery; considering sustainability on a day-to-day basis in order to protect and support future generations. We aim to be proactive and forward thinking and do more than minimum requirements.

We are aware of our legal duties and responsibilities towards protecting the environment. Working with our partners across the community we will deliver improvements in environmental management performance and meet all environmental legislative requirements.

We will develop an action plan to improve sustainability performance, set targets against appropriate performance indicators to monitor progress and publish our performance to stakeholders on an annual basis. We will publish in our Annual Report a Social Impact report which will report on some of our environmental impact, achievements, commitments, and savings.

We will aim to (where appropriate or under our direct control):
  • Deliver energy efficiency: Reduce energy waste by turning off all computers, printers and laptops and not leaving on screensaver (overnight, during weekends, lunch-breaks etc.).
  • Minimise waste production, prevent pollution, recycle & reduce consumption: We will ensure our office space has recycling for glass, plastic, tin, and paper; We will use tap instead of bottled water for workshops where we provide it; if projects require plates, cups and cutlery for refreshments we will not buy plastic. We will use any (non protected) used and unwanted paper for reuse / scrap paper; Any paper we buy will be recycled (ideally 100% FSC Recycled); Set printers up to automatically print double sided; Recycle all used print cartridges; We will not print unnecessarily; Where possible buy in bulk to avoid excess packaging.
  • Make a positive impact to climate change action: Use an eco-friendly search engine whenever possible (www.ecosia.com – where every time the platform is used a tree is planted).
  • Develop sustainable transport solutions: We will favour using public transport to all workshops and projects, where there isn’t significant financial losses to the company or safety / wellbeing impact for individuals; Allow working from home where possible to avoid transport pollution from unnecessary commuting; Car-share where possible to avoid transport pollution; Where staff use bikes as a means of getting to projects (following usual travel policy guidance regarding which journeys are paid for) they may claim 20ppm; When delivering events we will provide sustainable travel information to attendees and only book spaces which are in line with our sustainability values.
  • Odd Arts staff (excluding freelancers) can buy a bike (up to £500), plus essential bike gear (helmet for example) from a reputable retailer through Odd Arts. Please note that the bike can only be bought through Odd Arts if the bike is mainly purchased for work related purposes. The cost of the bike must be paid back to Odd Arts over a 12 month period. Maintenance, security, insurance and upkeep of the bike is the responsibility of the employee. The money paid back will be exempt from tax through the bike to work initiative. If the employee leaves the company, they must pay back the full cost of the bike before their final salary is paid.
  • Promote the local economy and sustainability through purchases: When buying provisions for workshops we will ensure they do not use air-miles, and where possible we will locally source OR source ‘ethically and socially’. Odd Arts will report on the percentage of local and ethical/social sourcing and aim for over 90%
  • Odd Arts will strive to not use Amazon for shopping or fundraising due to their poor sustainability and ethical record and also in response to staff requests.
  • Offer fair and equitable terms to employees and freelancers to help tackle poverty (including above living wage).
  • We will ensure that all our employees are aware and engaging with the policy, and the SLT will lead by example. Employees will be encouraged to come up with new ‘green’ ideas and share with management.
  • Develop a sustainability champion by Dec 2022.
  • We choose ethical banking and financial services who have a strong commitment to addressing climate change and has a strong environmental policy.
Where food and refreshments are purchased for workshops and events they will wherever possible be:
  • Vegan to cut carbon emissions; sourced from the most ethical provider available to us within time, distance and cost restraints; palm oil free; offering healthy options; eliminating or cutting packaging and use packaging that is reusable, refillable or made from recyclable materials.
  • Eliminate or reduce the use of plastic bottles, e.g. providing tap water, jugs and glasses/ reusable cups, canned water or water refill stations.
  • Redistribute surplus food working with local charities or community groups; work with catering contractors, service providers and traders who can provide evidence of environmental commitment and action. For ideas on sustainable event providers see https://www.manchester.gov.uk/downloads/download/7129/guides_to_organising_sustainable_events
  • Odd Arts will provide creative opportunities for people to explore the climate crisis through theatre and as a means of protest and call for action.
  • See the Manchester Carbon Culture Guide for more providers and suggestions linked to all aspects of our policy https://www.manchester.gov.uk/ZeroCarbonCulture
Odd Arts Funders & Memberships